Advertising Placement

H.A. Marketing can place your digital, print, TV and radio ads
The Advantages of Using a Small Advertising Agency
People often think of advertising agencies as managing large, expensive ad campaigns for big brands or companies like on Melrose Place, actually most ad agencies are small and assist small businesses place local media. Ad agencies can benefit any size business with helping determine the best places to invest their ad dollars and placing the ad buys on behalf of the client.
Saving Time
Using an advertising agency saves a business valuable time. Hiring an agency will free your staff to do what they have been trained for leaving the media work for the agency. Most small business owners are busy enough running their business and don't have time to create print, web, TV or radio ad campaigns and discuss rates with 10 different sales reps calling 5 times each a month hammering you with a sales pitch. Hiring H.A. Marketing can free you to spend more time running your business... and making $$$. The next time Tiffany from the local Cable TV sales office calls you can say... "Call my ad agency H.A. Marketing... they handle my advertising... I'm golfing, don't ever call me again!"... this is how YOU need to roll.
Saving Money
Placing advertising through an agency not only saves time it can be less expensive. Most print, TV and radio ad sales departments give an "agency discount", resulting in lower rates than someone dealing directly.